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Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Thanks dear for your cookies :)
It's valentine again :) first time celebrated with my girlfriend hahaha although i still think it's just a normal day. Anyway kinda suck cause waited for her for 30 mins at bb but it's okay that she's didn't come cause didn't really tell her.. HAAHAH Love her cookies nice although it's soft already no longer crunchy. Thanks girl. :) bought her a donald duck music box, hope you like it:D HAHA so late already i'm sleepy now.... geography is killing me ): bye!

~ { 11:14 PM }
DOMO-KUN is <3

Friday, February 11, 2011

New year New start :)
Just realize i did not update my blog for going 1 year???? Oh my gosh this really suck. But it's okay, studies is fine, i need more time to do my homework.. maybe i need to rearrange my time table to have a better time management. I just to give new updates to what i'm doing now and errr lets hope i would continue to giving you all updates that happen to me? Although i know, my blog is rusty and have no readers.... HAHAHA but it's okay. Just to entertain myself and a record for my life? New year New start, first, i just started learning guitar, although we are learning at a really damn slow pace, but i think for the person benefits i shall tolerate until when they really understand how to play guitar. Secondly, I just quit band as i have no interest in playing it, even though i like the people i know there but i'm stress when i'm in band. I don't even feel stress in studies, that's how bad i'm in band if you all realized. Thirdly, My brother weedy ngiam withdraw from school, Sad but if it will benefit her then it's alright. She's going to Temasek poly gerontological course. So wish her all the best. She's damn good okay, consider a best first of my in MI as she can tolerate me everyday..... Best man! Love you brother. Fourthly, It's been 2 months since me and zubaidah have been together, although we don't talk much but i just really like her. I dare to say this cause no one will read my blog except some blog hopper. But just hope we will last? :) hahha Lastly, my granny health isn't that well recently so just hope she will be better okay? God bless god bless! :) SO Bye peeps!


~ { 10:02 PM }
DOMO-KUN is <3

Monday, July 19, 2010

Movie Marathon!!!!
Okay today i watch 2 movies in a row! From 3 to 7! It's kinda cool to do it once in a while cause it's money consuming! Woke up at around 11? and eat breakfast , bathe, style hair and went to meet hannah for movie. As i predicted she will be late but it's okay cause i know she had tuition before we met. So we met at orchard and walk around. She don't trust me that i know where's the exit and kept on doubting on me ):. She's kinda like a direction idiot cause i purposely walk over cineleisure and asked her where is it, then she realise. She's cute man! Okay then go in wanted to buy our tickets, we went to the basement and it's CLOSED! Damn it. and then we walk up to buy. We wanted to watch despicable me at 3 but it's sold out so we bought blood pledge at 3.15 and watch despicable me at 5. Nice timing right? i know haha :) then When we buy the auntie asked if we wanted the couple seats like so funny :D. After that we went to eat KFC and it's yummy okay! She's irritated before that cause i bring her around to see what to eat :) . After that we went in and watch the movie. Not bad i will give it 3/5, cause it's not that scary, just that the sound effect is loud. But hannah was scared, so have to warn her and blocked her for seeing the ghost. She's kinda cute and coward. :) but nvm. after that we rush to the toilet and go to the next movie venue.We reach and find our seats, Is like corner seats so only we 2 were there. When movie started, it's like so damn funny i'm like keep laughing and hannah too she's crazy!! Then it's not bad the movie very funny and touching!!! i will rate it 4/5. Hannah slept on my shoulder when it's reaching the end! HAHAHA don't want to wake her up cause she's like so peaceful when sleeping. But when ending she woke up, hahaha nice right :D. After movie, we went to eat. She really thinks that kelvin is a pig! Keep ask me buy something to eat ): . I'm ain't a pig! And we keep on walk around, and talk. When eating, She purposely lick my stick!!! ): dirty little girl!!! But never we ate and went walking again. then bought ice cream. Shared with her, OMG imagine the saliva OMG. After that we went home at around 8 plus. accompany her take the red line to khatib and i alight at CCK. Reached home around 9.35. Text her during the journey cause she's scared she will fall asleep. Anyway Today is kinda fun, Somehow i love today a lot! Okay nothing more BYEBYE PEEPS!
P/S: Hannah cried in both movies!!!! HAHAHAHA my cry baby


~ { 12:52 AM }
DOMO-KUN is <3

Sunday, July 18, 2010

When i finally see my love, god took it away.
Don't you guys think it's rather funny? God purposely give you this hope about getting something you awaited but took you away from you when you about to get it. I'm not blaming the god, but i don't like to be toy with. 4 easy alphabet L, O , V and E ain't as easy as i thought it will be. Trusting Love back? Maybe it's just a crap? When you think there's a forever love, you will find out something that it doesn't exist. I love you but yet it doesn't exist as loving you. I'm kinda down now, cause of something and promised me please don't ask. Just know that i never get dump, fall out of love or being rejected. I just thought of something. Tmr will be meeting my friend to watch movie, but i can't go sleep cause i'm kind sad ): hais. People did tell me before fight hard for love, but how much do they know about love? i think just enjoy love and don't expect it to be long will be more appropriate. Fall in too deep won't do you any good. I never expect to get back love, but i just can't accept the fact that no matter who i love, i won't get the person. Am i really that bad? My value is really that low? My looks is really that ugly? ): i'm just being more like a good brother too every girls bah i guess? Sigh okay nothing more to post byebye! 我爱的人,不是我的爱人!


~ { 3:48 AM }
DOMO-KUN is <3

Friday, July 16, 2010

SNARE is part of my life now.
Been practicing my snare parts for like dunno how many days, confident is surely building up in me. Tired, stress and everything. Result isn't that good in school. Kinda scare that i won't score well, but nevertheless i will try my best in everything, Maybe after SIBF i would be able to concentrate more on my studies. No worries, kelvin timber is the best! HAHAHA anyway SIBF is coming, i'm not afraid of losing, i'm just afraid that i'm may just pull the whole band down, i'm a newbie who is in the main band, and so do the other percussion players except my senior. However i just don't wish for them to just simply give up, cause i believe if you try you will improve. I admit i'm not a good leader, cause this is different from me previous CCA, which is a uniform group, for that it's easier to lead them as i can give them punishment and scold the whole team and i'm the most senior there. And now i'm the section leader for the percussion, I'm new and i'm in year1. I just can't give myself any reason to scold, say or do anything to do, cause comparing of skills, i think i'm still lack of something which they have but i don't! Senior in my section, i'm afraid when i'm ordering they may have hard feelings like why must i listen and stuff like this. It's kinda hard to explain but just let me try my best okay! Anyway I'm really thankful to Mark and Hannah from Pei Cai Secondary School, they are our guest player, i'm really grateful to them. As they taught us how to play, cause consider in the band, they are our senior. With the experience of like 3 years/ 4 years? It's really enough. They are really fun people to be with, it's good to talk to them about stuff and enjoyable. Although they maybe quiet sometimes but they are good. HAHAHA. This is what i like, get to know more friends. If not it will be lonely, i'm so lonely, i am no body but all on my own! HAHA ><>< bye people and oh no! I scare i have fall for you): I hope i didn't cause i scare of losing you... ): BYEBYE!


~ { 1:13 AM }
DOMO-KUN is <3

Monday, June 28, 2010

It's hip hop dance not some stupid dance pose okay!
Just feel like posting some crap on my blog since i have not been posting for quite a long period of time. I'm kinda tired but i got to study soon okay! I have not touch my books for like the whole holiday!!! i'm god damn dead now ): Since i post i shall write out my exam stuff for you all bah HAHAHA. Tomorrow can say it's my second paper cause i took GP already. Chinese i really don't know what to study so i will leave it! HAHAHAHA i doubt i will fail bah at least a C???? HAHAHA wednesday is math, I remember i once promised miss zhang i will get a A for the exam. I think OMG how could i said that ): regretted! I now thinking back maybe i'm not potential in math anymore. Damn it. Thursday is Chemistry and Geography, OMG my memorising subjects ): damn it HAHAHA. Friday my relax day accouting HAHAHAA nothing more to update BYEBYE PEOPLE!

~ { 12:26 PM }
DOMO-KUN is <3

Sunday, June 27, 2010

I'm bored now so i think i rather write something like this.
For my future wife
I may not know who are you, how you looked like and what's your characteristic for the time being. But i know if i marry you as my wife, i really love you as my only girl. I don't know whether i will be the best guy for you but i guess if you marry me, you choose me as your best guy. I don't know whether i'm a romantic boyfriend when we are together, i don't know what i will do to make you happy for the time being, but i hope you will be happy and was touched by what i done for you. I believe whatever i said to you was from the bottom of my heart. I don't lie to people i love so please believe in what i say. I may not have a good attitude, i believe your first impression of me is that i'm a very 'dao' guy which everybody said that to me. However i believe that you had realise that i'm not that 'dao' as you know. If not you wouldn't be together with me right? I hope i gave you a happy family, i share my love to you. If we did, i think we would have gone a lot of different country to play and have good memory over there, cause that's my dream going overseas with my wife. Visit different places and have a taste of their food and everything. I hope i have been a good husband to you. I may not be as good as you think but i will try to do everything you wish. I don't know if you will be able to find this post/ even have to chance to read this post, but this post is what i will said and what i will do. I promised you all this once i will not break it. Promised is a promised nothing can break it. I hope we will last forever, with our happy family.
~Your husband,
P/S: I love you as my beloved wife :)


~ { 12:22 PM }
DOMO-KUN is <3